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ISO IEC 21838-2-2021 pdf Information technology — Top-level ontologies (TLO) — Part 2: Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)

IEC standards 11-29
ISO IEC 21838-2-2021 pdf Information technology — Top-level ontologies (TLO) — Part 2: Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)

3.1 primitive expression for which no non-circular definition can be provided 3.2 universal type entity (3.1) that has indefinitely many instances ( 3.6 ) EXAMPLE Electron, molecule, cell, planet, explosion, vehicle, hour, traffic law, organization, mortgage contract, email message. Note 1 to entry: References to universals are employed in the formulation of the assertions of natural science and of analogous general assertions in technical manuals, experimental protocols or legal or administrative documents. 3.3 extension collection (3.4) of instances of a universal (3.2) Note 1 to entry: In OWL, every Class is associated with a Class Extension, which is the set of Instances of the Class. In Reference [4] (from 2004), it is asserted that: “A class has an intensional meaning (the underlying concept) which is related but not equal to its class extension. Thus, two classes may have the same class extension, but still be different classes.” 3.4 collection group of particulars Note 1 to entry: The particulars in a collection are called its members. Note 2 to entry: The term “collection” is to be understood as allowing change of members over time (see ISO/IEC 21838-1:2021, B.3.2). 3.5 defined class collection (3.4), whose members are defined by specifying a restriction on one or more universals (3.2), that is not the extension (3.3) of any universal (3.2) EXAMPLE Non-smoker (meaning: person who does not smoke); pet (meaning: animal that is kept for companionship or pleasure); mortgagee (meaning: person with a mortgage); lathe operator (meaning: person with an employment role realized through operating a lathe); target (meaning: thing or process that is targeted).
4.3.1 BFO-2020.owl – OWL in rdf format. 4.3.2 BFO-2020.ofn – OWL in functional syntax with URIs. 4.3.3 BFO-2020-labelled.ofn – OWL in functional syntax with labels instead of URIs. 4.3.4 BFO-2020-iris.xlsx – table of IRIs for all classes and relations in BFO-2020-CL, including all classes and relations in BFO-2020-OWL. 4.3.5 bfo-relations-table.xlsx – table showing all relations in BFO-2020 including all inverses and all binary variants used in BFO-2020-OWL. 4.3.6 temporalized-definitions.cl – the set of CL definitions of binary at-all-times/some-time relations used in BFO-2020-OWL.
