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IEC 62826-2014 pdf Surface cleaning appliances – Floor treatment machines with or without traction drive, for commercial use – Methods of measuring the performance

IEC standards 11-28
IEC 62826-2014 pdf Surface cleaning appliances – Floor treatment machines with or without traction drive, for commercial use – Methods of measuring the performance

1 2 Maximum floor load and wheel contact pressure 1 2.1 General The maximum pressure exerted onto a floor surface by any wheel or caster on the machine, during expected operation or transport mode. These parameters are intended to indicate the suitability of the machine for specific floor surfaces. The values can be compared against the static load limit rating of the floor surface. 1 2.2 Measurement method The maximum floor load shall be measured in accordance with Annex A on concrete precast paving slabs according to IEC 60335-2-72. 1 2.3 Reporting The value is reported in accordance with Annex A. 1 3 Speed 1 3.1 Maximum transport mode speed (power driven machines) The transport speed of the machine, moving in a straight forward direction, on a flat smooth surface. This parameter is intended to indicate the maximum transport speed of the machine, with no other machine functions operating. 1 3.2 Maximum working mode speed The working speed, as defined by the manufacturer, at which the machine is travelling in a straight, forward direction, on a straight, flat, smooth concrete surface. This parameter is intended to indicate the recommended maximum working speed of the machine, with all floor cleaning functions of the machine operating simultaneously. 1 3.3 Measurement method Transport mode speed is measured after acceleration to the maximum speed is achieved. Working mode speed is measured after acceleration to the working speed is achieved. 1 3.4 Reporting The values are reported in km/h. 1 4 Sound 1 4.1 Sound power level The overall A-weighted emission sound power level of the machine, to indicate of the total sound power emitted by the machine.
1 4.3 Measurement method Measurement in accordance with measurement of emission of acoustical noise as given in IEC 60335-2-72. 1 4.4 Reporting The values and the uncertainties are reported in dB(A). 1 5 Vibration 1 5.1 Hand-arm system vibration total value For all machines, the vibration total value to which the hand-arm system is subjected shall be measured. 1 5.2 Whole-body vibration total value For ride-on machines and walk-behind machines with sulky, the highest root mean square value of weighted acceleration to which the whole body is subjected shall be measured. 1 5.3 Measurement method Measurement in accordance with measurement of emission of vibration as given in IEC 60335-2-72. 1 5.4 Reporting The values including their uncertainty surroundings are reported in m/s 2 . 1 6 Solution flow rate 1 6.1 General The amount of solution (water only) sprayed or dispensed to the brushes at each flow setting, to indicate the average continuous solution flow rate during normal operation. 1 6.2 Measurement method Solution flow rate shall be measured with the solution tank at half of its full useful capacity as determined in Clause 1 8.
