IEC 62769-6-2021 pdf Field device integration (FDI) – Part 6: Technology Mapping
4.1.3 FDI Type Library The Device Access Services and the UIP Services can be modelled as .NET interfaces passing .NET data type arguments. These interfaces and data types are used for the data exchange and interaction between the UIP and the FDI Client. For runtime error handling purposes during interface method calls, .NET exceptions classes are defined. The FDI .NET interfaces, data types, and exception classes are defined in a single FDI Type Library. The FDI Type Library is a strong-named Assembly. The file name of this Assembly shall be ‘fdi.dll’. The fdi.dll shall be versioned as per IEC 62769-1:2020, 8.1. The FDI Type Library is part of the FDI Core Technology as per IEC 62769-1:2020, and therefore directly influences the FDI Technology Version. All Compatible changes of the fdi.dll lead to an increase of the minor portion of the FDI Technology Version. Incompatible changes lead to an increase of the major portion of the FDI Technology Version (see IEC 62769-1:2020, The FDI Type Library is signed with a single unique key by the issuer of the file. The FDI Type Library shall be installed separately as part of every FDI Client installation. User Interface Plug-Ins (UIP) and the FDI Client Application shall use this instance of the fdi.dll. UIPs shall not carry or deploy the FDI Type Library. The FDI Client is responsible to provide means to allow updates of this type library over time. Figure 1 shows the FDI Type Library structure.
4.2 UIP representation The UIP Variant can contain either a single or multiple runtime modules (.NET Assembly) and their related supplementary files (for example: resource files). The runtime module of the UIP Variant is called “UIP executable”. The supplementary file(s) of the UIP Variant is/are called “UIP supplement(s)”. UIP supplement(s) is/are stored under (a) subfolder(s) of the UIP executable installation directory. EXAMPLE Resource files and application configuration data. The RuntimeId of a UIP Variant shall be “.NET Framework CLR4”, see IEC 62769-4. FDI Clients supporting this RuntimeId shall support the .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher using the CLR4 and UIPs with this RuntimeId shall use the .NET Framework 4.6.1 or lower supporting the CLR4 (meaning .NET Framework 4.0 up to .NET Framework 4.6.1). The UIP Variant shall be self-contained. All UIP required libraries (.NET Assemblies) required by a UIP Variant are stored within the same Folder.
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